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Windows (64-bit)
SHA-1: ba60bdcf70b78f14060b4a4f43a5a3df2424900a
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Windows (32-bit)
SHA-1: 16c33aa746270970252d561913e5c5ac813f1fd4
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SHA-1: 778b1633357157c109f4f9b1890316215a40af4e
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SHA-1: 60da1617b76927ec6d084a626ea03d8d09673dc0
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SHA-1: edbd45c4550ab4ca877563a24175bfaf7ed545da
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Standalone Server
Not available.
Other releases
Whammy is here!
- Updated to Unity 2018.3.11f1
- Updated rewired to version
- Updated bass to 2.4.14
- Lyrics now have dynamic glyph support so there should be fewer missing characters.
- New Credits crawl can be accessed from the settings menu.
- Whammy wibbles :D Whammying now animated the note tails.
- Added a random song button on song results screen during quickplay.
- Added game version number to the end results screen.
- Changed the Song percent display on the results screen to be in italic.
- Fixed some untranslatable strings.
- Fixed issue that prevented custom content from being loaded from subfolders.
- Fixed issue that caused custom content file extensions to be case-sensitive.
- Fixed slight in-game HUD warping.
- Updated DryWetMidi, hopefully this will help with missing lead guitar issues.
- Performance improvments for song scanning.
- Added a "New Personal Best" popup in-game.
- Added "modchart" song.ini option.
- Fix slight texture glitches for in-game hud.
- Added more sanity checks to the settings ini loader to prevent the game from getting into an invalid state in certain situations.
- Added all translators to the credits.
- Added and updated charter icons and song sources.
- Fixed bug in practice mode that would cause sustain glitches and the ability to break the FC indicator.
- Fixed gamelogo being distorted in the Streamer Settings menu.
- Fixed background image scaling issues.
- Implemented fade out for note tails.
- Song progress bar now shows progress of sections in practice mode.
- Fixed bug where the profile name displayed on the note track would be covered up by gameplay notes.
- Changed style of profile text to be more visible on light neck backgrounds.
- Changed style of FPS display to be more visible on light or similarly colored backgrounds as the text.
- Fixed scaling issues causing FPS text to be rendered off screen.
- Fixed multiple video background sync issues.
- Tweaked tap note textures, will change more in the future.
- Fixed sync between the track intro animation and the intro sound.
- Fix open note extended sustains dropping when other frets are pressed. Disclaimer for charters: The use of open extended sustains is still discouraged for any professionnal charting, please use caution when using any extended sustains in general.
- Ignore case for song backgrounds
- Modchart metadata is now displayed in the setlist.
- Video backrounds now displayed in setlist metadata
- Changed the song cache format to be slightly more compact.
- Now offering public Android builds.
- Changed badsongs.txt information to be more detailed about missing and mis-named charts.
- Fixed bug where the scoring panel couldn't be closed by any other player if the first player dropped out
- Tweak in-game background scailing to work better with ultrawide displays.
- Introduce screenshot feature on song results screen.
- Cleaned up and refactored code.
- Converted more game button tooltips to use a new auto-centering implementation.
- Updated textures for setlist ui
- Updated textures for song results screen.
- Changed scaling method for song list.
- Updated main menu button tips to the new format being using on the setlist and results screen.
- Fixed potental main menu scaling issues.
- Fixed duplicated navigation panel image when in the setlist.
- Large optimization to sorting by instrument for the setlist.
- New update notification text.
- Update notification is now translatable.
- Added score disabling when pausing too often in game.
- Added a charter icon shadow on the results screen
- Fixed bug allowing overstrumming on restart in practice mode.
- Updated translations.
- Remastered audio for Speed of Light
- Updated hopo textures.
- Fixed bug causing exception in practice mode.